Dr. Tosh James

In 1991, a sophomore in high school moved 80 miles south from Austin to San Antonio as part of an athletic recruitment program. Sunnybrook Christian had recently hired college coach David Mixon to build it, and young Tosh James was a top recruit. Tosh started on the varsity basketball team and led his team to three back-to-back state championships. Amongst many other personal awards in the process. Little did Tosh know that his training as a leader in competitive, high-pressure situations would prepare him to solve complex issues in the corporate world and ultimately in the healthcare arena while granting him the name, “the advisor”.

Tosh learned early on to not just think outside the box but to live outside of it. He challenges himself daily to create new and improved patterns in every aspect of life and to live purposefully. Tosh is a follower of Christ and is constantly searching for answers to help others live better lives and achieve their goals. As he interacted with others, his athletic background kept bringing the conversations to perhaps one of the greatest challenges people face today - their health and wellness.

So Tosh embarked on the journey to find the right information about what it means to be truly healthy…a journey not for the faint of heart. As time went on, he realized most of the industry and what we know as mainstream health care in the developed world was completely lost and could not guarantee the best possible result. As he dug deeper, he observed that no one had good enough answers because everyone was thinking from the same flawed point of view. “Everyone was fishing from the same pond” - Tosh James He witnessed the confusion created by the ever-changing trends and fads, as each “solution” failed to create any demonstrable freedom in wellness.

Then it got even more spooky as it became evident that just about everything “out there” is causing harm. He had to find a solution that followed the most basic reasoning and held to the Hippocratic oath, Primum Nil Nocere (Above all do no harm.) The constant search for answers led him to researchers and scientists in Europe and Asia that had been functioning for decades and were making unrivaled progress. For the first time things made sense…it was common sense. The premise is that our body helps itself as Hippocrates stated long ago: “natural forces within us are the true healers of disease". Even though Tosh was conditioned to lead, he now realized that everyone, including even him, had to follow “the design” and the designer.

Fortunately, the scientists were great teachers and willing to mentor him. But, for a greater understanding, Tosh had to make huge sacrifices. He had to leave his career and income, his habits, and his comfort zone. Even his very outlook on life was now obsolete and had to change. A passionate disrupted, and hungry 24-year-old had to become a student all over again. This time there would be no state championship. Instead, the prize would be much greater - an opportunity to truly change the world. After several years of apprenticeship under a genius, the curtain was finally pulled back and the truth was glaring him in the face. He was ready to spread the message of true wellness. They formed a consulting company that focuses on wellness built on proper information. For decades, these groups have worked only with clients that have been referred by other clients.

Tosh’s clients today are those that are already searching for answers and are asking the right questions. The consulting model allows for time to be spent with each client at the level they prefer that is offered. Thus, the ultimate result is the client’s education: understanding how to follow the design, and how wellness is simply the fruit of following good information. Each client is different so the personalized wellness and even the concierge service are customized for each individual. Short-term, mid- term, and long-term solutions are defined and laid out so clients can adapt over time.Tosh is achieving results faster than almost anyone, especially if the client is willing to change their perspective. While remaining a private group, he has clients from all around the world. His diverse Rolodex of private clients spans from your everyday mom who wants better care for her family to celebrities, politicians, and royals. Anyone seeking answers today can consult with the guy that they all call….The Advisor!